GigaOM : Mobile Visual Radio Makes Indian Debut. My favorite quote:
“This is a classic case of convergence of telecom, radio and music. The key here would be to provide our listeners with quality content,” said Pankaj Mathur, country manager, HP India Sales.
My comment: Nokia has now been pushing Visual Radio for 2+ years or so, and as far as I know there are trials in Finland, London, the U.S., and Singapore (I think ;) - I have seen it and I think it has real potential to usher radio into radio2.0 -- which is the TWO-WAY, digtal radio service. Digital Radio must be 2-way, must encourage conversation, engage the user.
Of course, with any change there is upheaval - I can imagine that Nokia Visual Radio will indeed create a lot of turmoil in the footchain, such as: who will run which ads? Who will charge what for which part of the service? Can ads run 'with' the music, on the handset, or will that be deemed synchronization by the music publishers? and many more. Let's see how they will tackle this - but the idea rocks, imho.
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