Link: Google, Universal Music Partner To Sell DRM-Free Music.
Looks like a hot summer (and autumn) for digital music and the Major Labels who seem to be finally waking up to what IS rather then what they WANT IT to be. Now this is what's going to happen - they will:
Step 1: drop DRM and sell music in the format that people actually want: MP3 (and other open formats - personally I'd love some good wav files!)
Step 2: bundle and combine music with SEARCH and Adds
Step 3: 'hide' the payments for music within another payments (access, ads etc), and license social networks and online communities to stream music on demand, without the usual DMCA compliant stuff
Step 4: share all kinds of revenue streams with all kinds of partners
Step 5: offer new deals to artists that will look like agency deals (well.. this will probably happen in parallel).
GOOD MORNING MAJOR RECORD LABELS. Listen to this soundtrack for immediate edification: Download alarm_clock_oldstyle.mp3 (courtesy of SoundSnap)
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