July 17, 2008

Terry McBride Speaks on Music 2.0 (London Music Tank event) *via Hypebot Link: hypebot: Millennials Conference: McBride Speaks. Some high-lights pasted, below, directly from Hypebot - Terry is nailing it! Fans are the record companies. Ownership of the song does not lie with the artist or the label or the publishers, but rather the consumer. Artists are brands. They may not like the word but that is essentially what they are, and in order to succeed you have to focus on ways of building the brand. Amazing technology is available and we should embrace it, build online communities and create opportunities within the digital world. We should be selling digital tracks cheaper (the tipping point)......possibly 25 cents. This will dissuade people illegally downloading and you end up making more of a profit from selling a lot of cheap tracks than a few higher priced tracks. Make use of metadata (search tags). We are now a society of searchers. Explore the concept of feels like free and don’t be afraid to try new things. Getting fans involved... Make stems of artist recordings available for fans to create their own versions of artist’s songs. Let fans create band merchandise. Allow fans to make videos and have a competition to see which is the best which can be used as the next music video…Getting fans involved builds the brand and the connection with the artist. It’s economical and extremely beneficial. Legislation is not the way to solve the problem. Suing consumers wont make the problem go away. Understanding the concept of tribes, millennials have their groups or tribes and within these tribes they will like the same music, clothes etc. Getting early adopters in the tribes liking a band will build exposure. In China IP is looked at in a very different way. There music is part of their culture and should be enjoyed by...

Gerd Leonhard

Keynote Speaker, Think-Tank Leader, Futurist, Author & Strategist, Idea Curator, some say Iconoclast | Heretic, CEO TheFuturesAgency, Visiting Prof FDC Brazil, Green Futurist

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