March 20, 2009

Join us for an exciting evening at the Royal Society for the Arts in London (April 8): "New Media Futures" If you happen to be in London on April 8, 2009 (6pm), please join me and my fellow speakers for a talk and presentation at the Royal Society of the Arts. The evening is entitled: New Media Futures - what next for content and creativity? and promises to be quite entertaining;) Thanks to the RSA, this event is free of charge and seating is limited so be sure to register early. A few more details about this event: "The internet is radically disrupting most of the traditional content distribution and selling models, starting with music and games, followed by TV, film, books and print publishing. Once everyone is always-on, mobile and hyper-connected, and everything is available everywhere, how will content be created, distributed, marketed, consumed, and paid for? Who will do what, for whom, and how will the traditional players such as broadcasters, record labels, publishers and distributors adapt? If new players, starting with telecoms, device makers, advertisers and brands, indeed move into the content business, what will be their challenges and opportunities. Given the challenging financial climate, how do we reconcile the need to reward enterprise and secure sustainable revenue streams, with the expectations and demands of the “freeconomics” generation? What kind of legal, regulatory and cultural framework do we need to ensure that this new eco-system of creators, consumers and intermediaries generates more benefits for all involved? A panel of media visionaries convene at the RSA to predict the innovations in technology, business models and user behavior that will shape the media landscape in the coming decade. Speakers: Gerd Leonhard, media futurist, author and blogger; Richard Titus, Controller of Future Media, Audio, Music & Mobile, BBC; David A. Smith, chief executive of Global Futures and Foresight (GFF). Chair: Ralph Simon, CEO, The Mobilium Advisory Group and Chairman Emeritus...
SonntagsZeitung Switzerland interviews with Gerd Leonhard; "Music Flat-Rates are the Future" SonntagsZeitung | Artikel Detailseite : In German language. «Den Musik-Flatrates gehört die Zukunft» Medienfuturist Gerd Leonhard plädiert für einen Neustart im Musikgeschäft Von David Bauer und Barnaby Skinner: "Das Web hat die Musikbranche auf den Kopf gestellt. Sie sehen Parallelen zum Radio vor 100 Jahren. Welche? Das Radio war in den ersten zwanzig Jahren auch illegal. Die Rechteinhaber wehrten sich dagegen, dass ihre Musik kostenlos verbreitet wird. Fakt war aber: Alle haben hingehört. Mit staatlichem Druck wurden schliesslich Lizenzen eingeführt, die Künstler proportional entlöhnten, wenn ihre Musik im Radio gespielt wurde. Die exakt gleiche Situation haben wir heute im Internet - nur fehlen geeignete Lizenzen. Diese fehlen, weil sich die Musiklabels quer stellen. Die ganze Musikwirtschaft ist von Monopolen und Kartellen geprägt, von den Rechteinhabern und Verwertern bis zu den Studios. Man blockiert, weil man glaubt, ein Vielfaches verdienen zu können. Aber wer im Internet alles kontrollieren will, ist auf dem Holzweg. Das Musikökosystem ist wie eine alte, marode Ehe. Wir brauchen einen Neustart, ein Pflästerchen reicht nicht...." Funky Google translation to English here Related articles by Zemanta Compensation not Control: Music 2.0 (my presentation at the MidemNet event in Cannes) ( The Future of Content & Telecom: my presentation at the Emerging Communications Conference in San Francisco ( Hold on, I'm coming: the digital music flat rate is imminent (

Gerd Leonhard

Keynote Speaker, Think-Tank Leader, Futurist, Author & Strategist, Idea Curator, some say Iconoclast | Heretic, CEO TheFuturesAgency, Visiting Prof FDC Brazil, Green Futurist

The Futures Agency
Alan Edgett
The Typepad Team
David Rosen

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