Thinking about the current Netbook craze I have a strong hunch that Apple may well jump in and roll out a new iPhone-inspired Netbook - let's call it the Apple iNet - that could be roughly 2-2.5 as large as an iPhone. A TOUCH-SCREEN device like this could easily become a major challenge to digital reading devices such as the Kindle (which I can't try here in Europe) and the Sony Reader (which I have but don't like a lot). I have found myself wanting an iPhone / iPod like device like this 100s of times already, especially while traveling.
If Apple does this - and I would certainly like that , let's just imagine:
- We could finally, really read offline web-pages, PDFs, slideshows, white-papers, non-fiction books etc on a nice, full-color touch screen, using next-gen versions of existing apps such as Instapaper ****, Soonr, Stanza, Bookshelf, EReader (in fact, this may be why the new Kindle app for the iPhone is crucial for Amazon!)
- We could review our RSS feeds much easier, including images and videos, using apps like Byline (my favorite) and Newsstand, or the Google Reader offline app (once they offer it)
- We could cache i.e. record video and audio streams and play them on our 'Apple iNet' device - and actually have a really nice viewing experience
- We could use the iNet device to do some simple image and video editing - but most likely this would be done 'in the cloud' not using local software
Image via Wikipedia
A smart, Apple-style device like this (which may have similar elements to OLPC's XO2 but would not compete in the low price markets, naturally) would give a huge boost to the mobile content ecosystem - and it would also usher in an era of rampant and wide-spread electronic book sharing that would make music file sharing look like child's play.
Publishers: you may want to get ready for this sometime soon. My 2 cents: radically lower the prices for ebooks, start looking at bundles, subscriptions and flat rates, figure out how to monetize sharing with new advertising-supported models, gear up to provide added values all the time (value is around the content!!), start planning for those New Generatives - you've got another 12 months if you're lucky. Go!!
I'd bet on a device shipping from Apple anywhere from June to November THIS YEAR. The various rumors, gathered together, point to a 2009 release. That is assuming they don't run into a major roadblock technically or supply-wise.
Ironically, the down economy makes for a perfect time to release this kind of device -- sales pressure will be lower, allowing Apple to produce fewer, sell them all, learn their lessons and have a version 2 ready for late 2010 or early 2011.
Netbooks have been an interesting diversion in the PC world, but this new well-done tablet will show the way and take the lead, at least design-wise, for several years.
I hope the print media producers listen to you!
Posted by: John Proffitt | March 21, 2009 at 11:24 AM
P2P networks already feature thousands of ebooks. These files are much smaller than the music files (mp3 or wma...), making for easier copy. And contrary to music, one cannot ask the authors to rely on "public performance" to earn a living... Is the book industry doomed ?
How many authors actually make enough in copyrights to live nowadays ? How many will, after we switch en masse to electronic reading toys ?
Yes indeed, the publishing industry would better wake up and look for new ideas...
Posted by: reader | March 24, 2009 at 10:58 AM
I don't think the book industry is doomed at all - they just need to switch from only selling copies to also selling ACCESS. Not easy, but doable - and a lot less costly I think. Save paper; not words;)
Posted by: Gerd Leonhard | March 24, 2009 at 11:18 AM