July 31, 2009

Free, public Music 2.0 / Future of Music Webinar tomorrow July 31st 2009 5pm CET I am trying to figure out if virtual i.e. remote, public presentations can actually work, and if so, what tools to use, and if I should offered webinars for free or not (and if not, at what price point I could offer them, and on what topics). The most often requested subject for a presentation is, by-far, "Music 2.0 - The Future of the Music Industry". I get about 2 inquiries or speaking invitations per day on this topic; guess that's because of the various books I have written on this (The Future of Music, Music 2.0 etc) - so this will be the first topic for the webinar series. On Friday, July 31, at 5pm CET, 4pm GMT/UK, 11 am EST, 8am PST, midnight JST and 1am (next day) AEST, I will present my first free webinar on "Music 2.0 - The Future of Music". This first session will be FREE; in return I may simply ask you for some feedback and your patience while I am figuring this out. Future sessions may well be free, as well - I am working on that, so stay tuned! I will be using Drop.io and this is how you can join me (no registration is required - just show up): Go to my presentations page on Drop.io Cover via Amazon Log in with the guest password "future" Join the presentation once it's active; it will tell you on the screen. I will start the intro-page 15 minutes before the times listed above; please be sure to add your real name when the box comes up (if that's ok) Call this (U.S.) number to hear me talk or ask questions live: +1 218-486-3891 x 956827539 (sorry, drop.io does not offer local dial-in numbers yet). Note that the Chat Tool is part of...
Berklee Today: Gerd Leonhard '87 shares ideas on how musicians can thrive in the link economy Some of you may know that I went to Berklee College of Music ('86/'87) and studied Jazz guitar. I have kept in-touch with Berklee throughout the years and they just published an interview with me, in the Alumni Magazine"Berklee Today". Here are some of the high-lights: "Leonhard has long advocated a shift from tight control of products and copyrights. In what he refers to as the "link economy," the new commodity is the public's attention. In this climate, he predicts superstar status will be much harder to attain-and sustain-as the marketplace experiences further fragmentation and mainstream artists compete for attention with lesser-known artists in specific musical niches..." "In the link economy, the product is the marketing," says Leonhard. "If you want to promote yourself as a musician, you publish and make everything available on the Web so that people can pick it up and go elsewhere with it. If they like you, they do the marketing for you by telling others and sending links around. In the old days, if you were a star, MTV or the Letterman Show would recognize that by putting you on. Today, your fans recognize your value and send your links to friends, who send them to more people. This is what makes someone a celebrity on the Web. And you can't buy that; you have to earn it." Too many musicians believe that playing gigs and selling CDs or digital copies of their music are the primary ways to make money. "We have to do away with that mentality, because there are 50 other ways a musician can get paid," says Leonhard. "In the new music economy, you need to build an audience and energize them to act on your behalf and forward your music virally. Later, they can become paying customers. Don't ask...

Gerd Leonhard

Keynote Speaker, Think-Tank Leader, Futurist, Author & Strategist, Idea Curator, some say Iconoclast | Heretic, CEO TheFuturesAgency, Visiting Prof FDC Brazil, Green Futurist

The Futures Agency
Alan Edgett
The Typepad Team
David Rosen

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