I had the great pleasure to speak at the Future As Music (FAM) conference in Madrid / Spain, today. This event was organized by AIE (the Artists and Performers Society of Spain) and I was delighted to present alongside one of my favorite colleagues, famed mobilist and mobile content guru Tomi Ahonen.
My talk and presentation was on the juicy topic of "The Future of Music & Digital Content: Mobile, Connected, Social, Open... and Paid?" and included comments on: 1) why it makes no sense to disconnect fans from the Internet and expect them to then buy more 'legal' music 2) why the music industry must adapt to the new behaviors of 'the people formerly known as consumers' asap 3) why we have a 'digital toll-booth challenge' (see my column on Spotify) and how we need to structure 'music sales' going forward 4) why music is first an experience and a service, and only then a product (and how the industry can monetize this shift) 5) where the New Generatives will come from 6) why a collective digital music license makes sense - and much more. Here is the slideshow, below (you can download the PDF via slideshare, as well). Enjoy and spread the word! Download LOW RES 5MB PDF Future Music Media Open and Paid Public
Great presentation Gerd!
Posted by: James Martin | November 26, 2009 at 04:33 PM
Thanks James
Posted by: Gerd Leonhard | November 26, 2009 at 04:46 PM