I am delighted to have been invited to hold a keynote at the International Newsmedia Marketing Association (INMA) prestigious World Congress in New York City, on April 26-28, 2010.
Here is what I will talk about (Tues, April 27, 9am): The Future of News, Publishing, and Media: How to Monetize Content In the Next 3 Years. "The challenge of how to monetize content in a digitally networked and always-on world is growing more severe by the minute, driven by constant advances in technology, smarter devices and faster connectivity, as well as by drastic changes in consumer behavior, worldwide. Can those analog dollars be converted to a much larger number of digital quarters and dimes? Where will those next-generation revenue streams come from, and how can you fast-track them? Can and should copies be controlled, online, and if not, how do you “compete with free”? How can “selling access to copies” be turned into real money, not just page-views and social media buzz? What is the role of advertising, mobile device makers, the ISPs, telecoms and mobile network operators, and how will publishers position themselves in this new “telemedia” ecosystem?" Hope to see you there!
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