2 weeks ago, I launched my free iPhone app, followed by the Android version just a few days ago, powered by MobileRoadie in LA. Now that I am very close to the first 1000 downloads I wanted to share how I intend to 'charge' for the apps and the exclusive content that I plan to make available there. So here it goes.
As you may have noticed, almost all of my content is free, including this blog's full RSS feed, 65+ slideshows, 100+ videos, most of my books & PDFs, and, for now, the new iPhone and Android mobile apps. I make a living with speaking engagements, keynotes, think-tank events and seminars, advisory work, CEO coaching sessions, and various other, mostly fun things; and I am indeed very privileged to really enjoy my work and make a living at the same time (an usual combination, I hear).
I want to continue to provide you with lots of great and free content even though many (if not most) people have suggested that I should start charging upfront for my content. However, instead of going down the road of requiring you to 'pay before you get' my content, i.e. to pay for my apps via iTunes or the Android Market I have decided to deploy my own version of the often-cited 'Radiohead Model' (borrowed from the group's (in-)famous approach to selling their music for 'whatever you think it's worth'), i.e. you will continue to receive a lot of stuff for free but yes, you can indeed make a payment if you like what I do. And I would be delighted if you do.
So here, below, are 4 ways to return the favor, help me pay for my iPhone apps and to otherwise monetize (terrible word but appropriate):
1) You can go to my Lulu bookstore and either buy a dead-tree i.e. printed, packaged and shupped version of my books, such as Music 2.0 for $17.75 or Friction is Fiction for a whopping $60.40 (sorry for the price but it's a lot of pages, 4c, the cheaper b/w version is here), or any of the PDFs ranging from $2.50 to $7.50 (even if you already have it... that's OK, too).
2) You can go to Amazon and order my 'old' and first book "The Future of Music"which is still a great book (co-written with Dave Kusek); just keep in mind that since this book is owned and marketed by a publisher (Berklee Press) it is not really the most direct way to ship a few $ directly to me;) - but still very much appreciated. The audio version is here, btw. The self-published, Lulu-powered "Friction is Fiction" book mentioned above is also available via Amazon so I'd prefer you to buy that first, or ... just get both.
3) If you want to 'pay with attention' and give me some social capital rather than real money, that's OK, too (I shall ask my landlord to accept facebook points, soon, as well - seriously;).
To this end, I would suggest these mechanisms:
- A nice, juicy blog post about my work, my presentations or my videos, or books
- A series of tweets, or retweets
- A nice review of my books (Amazon or Lulu) or iPhone / Android apps (Apple App store is good)
- Nice comments on my slideshows or videos (incl. my Youtube channel)
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