January 05, 2012

Article: How Much Money Makes You Happy? Scientists Pinpoint Amount Interesting point - $ 75k is medium to top range income in the US and most western countries but way beyond what people in so-called developing countries are making (usually less than $3000 per year). But for us, here, in rich countries... We should take note.How Much Money Makes You Happy? Scientists Pinpoint Amount http://www.huffingtonpost.com/2011/11/18/how-much-money-makes-you-happy_n_1101622.html After analyzing 450,000 responses from the Gallup-Healthways Well-Being Index (GHWBI), a daily well-being survey that queries 1,000 respondents, two scientists from Princeton University say happiness is based on life evaluation and well-being, reports GALLUP Management Journal. According to Mogulite, the findings show that those with a total household income of less than $75,000 overall had lower levels of emotional well-being and satisfaction with their state of life. However, those who made more than that amount didn’t see a significant increase in their happiness. Of course, there remain a couple of exceptions to this finding. If you give your money away or you find that wealth upgrades your social status, it can make you happy beyond the $75,000 mark. Related articles Personal Branding in the Digital Age: Futurist, Author and Keynote Speake Gerd Leonhard (audio podcast) (gerdleonhard.typepad.com) "Using the live video platform from Google+, Hangouts, Musk has been able to play hours of live music..." (futureof.biz)

Gerd Leonhard

Keynote Speaker, Think-Tank Leader, Futurist, Author & Strategist, Idea Curator, some say Iconoclast | Heretic, CEO TheFuturesAgency, Visiting Prof FDC Brazil, Green Futurist

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