Greetings visitors, RSS subscribers and other friends and followers.
As you have
probably noticed I have been expanding my activities into many other topics (i.e. apart from media and content) in the past couple of years. It now makes sense for me to de-emphasize my traditional MediaFuturist brand and broaden my presentation quite a bit, as well. Therefore, I am delighted to present my new site at This site uses responsive webdesign and should look great on pretty much any mobile site, as well. My mobile app will continue to be available, as well, for now (both for iOS as well as for Android) also has some new and pretty cool download pages; using Dropbox (even without sign-up) you can now download pretty much all of my free books, slideshows and essays.
Give it a whirl and please let me know what you are thinking.
Here is a quick 6 minute audio track that summarizes the proposal (in GERMAN). You can read more about this whole 'movement' here (if you speak German).
Hier ein kurzes Intro zum Thema Musikflatrate Schweiz, und zum Event am 28. November in Zürich. NICHT VERSÄUMEN!!! Mehr Details hier.
Präsentation: Eine neue Internet Musiklizenz und die Musik-Flatrate: was, wie, wer und warum?
Gerd Leonhard, Autor, Musiker, Futurist und CEO TheFuturesAgency (Basel)
Stellungsnahmen zum Thema:
Tim Renner / MotorMusic Berlin,
Poto Wegener / Swissperform.
Hartwig Thomas - Digitale Allmend
Christoph Trummer - Musikschaffender
Wolfgang Schögl – SofaSurfer
Fabian Niggemeier - SUISA
Michael Gregr - Piratenpartei
Michel Rudin - Konsumentenforum
Öffentliche Diskussion und Debatte
Philipp Schnyder von Wartensee, Festivalleiter m4music beim Migros-Kulturprozent
If you are in Sao Paulo Nov 5, please be sure to join me for this event. The video below outlines some of the topics I am planning to talk about. See you there!
"Em uma sociedade cada vez mais conectada pela internet, ganham força a
colaboração e a troca de ideias como motores da inovação. Soluções
adotadas até recentemente já não se aplicam mais. Quem alerta para essa
mudança são dois estudiosos das transformações que a tecnologia vem
impondo: o norte-americano Steven Johnson, professor da Universidade de
Nova York e autor do best seller De onde vêm as boas ideias — a história
natural da inovação, e o alemão Gerd Leonhard, fundador do instituto
Green Futurist, também autor de obras como The Future Of Content, entre
A dupla de pensadores do futuro estará participando do 5º Congresso
Internacional de Inovação, promovido pela Fiergs, nos próximos dias 30 e
31, em Porto Alegre (informações e inscrições no site ). Johnson e Leonhard anteciparam algumas
das ideias que discutirão no evento em entrevistas concedidas por
e-mail a Zero Hora. Confira os principais trechos.
Gerd Leonhard — Fundador do instituto Green Futurist
ZH – Como o uso cada vez maior das redes sociais está mudando a forma
como as pessoas interagem entre si e se relacionam com as empresas,
enquanto consumidores?
Gerd Leonhard – Estamos nos tornando uma sociedade conectada. Em
alguns casos, tanto “compartilhamento” e transparência poderá acabar com
nossa privacidade, mas, de uma maneira geral, esta nova era traz mais
benefícios. Consequências claras disso são um aumento radical do poder
dos consumidores, maior transparência política e declínio da corrupção,
marketing mais honesto e publicidade mais útil. Deveríamos, aliás,
descartar o termo mídias sociais porque não se trata apenas de mídia,
mas de algo que chamo de Social OS (sistema operacional social). Cada
empresa ou governo deverá se tornar conectado, aberto, transparente e
engajado. Caso contrário, iremos ignorá-los.
ZH – Alguns críticos dizem que a internet tornou disponível um grande
volume de informação, mas o uso que se faz desse conhecimento é
superficial. O senhor concorda?
Leonhard – Em 1971, Marshall McLuhan disse que a aldeia global não é
“quieta e harmoniosa”, mas tem dose considerável de barulho e caos. Não é
questão de overdose de informação, mas de filtro. É aí que os
jornalistas entram: não basta só conteúdo, é preciso contexto. Não se
trata só de volume, mas de dar relevância aos fatos.
ZH – A internet já transformou a indústria musical e agora está
mudando o cinema, a TV e o mercado literário. As corporações ligadas a
esses ramos, porém, parecem não estar faturando como antes. As empresas
terão de se habituar a ganhar menos nesta nova realidade?
Leonhard – Na era dos monopólios, as empresas estavam habituadas a
margens de lucro fantásticas porque os consumidores não tinham escolha.
De agora em diante, os preços por unidade de conteúdo estão caindo, em
alguns casos, até 90% – veja o Netflix (serviço de vídeos online) x
DVDs. As boas notícias são que mais pessoas podem ser alcançadas por
meios digitais, os custos de distribuição são menores e a publicidade
está se tornando digital rapidamente – nos próximos três a cinco anos,
veremos 50% dos orçamentos publicitários – globalmente, uns US$ 600
bilhões – migrarem para meios digitais, móveis e sociais. Há grandes
oportunidades, mas nada será como era 10 anos atrás.
ZH – Atualmente, a Apple é considerada a mais criativa e valiosa empresa do mundo. Essa posição conseguirá ser mantida?
Leonhard – Sou fã da Apple, mas essa visão de mundo extremamente
centrada e controlada que a empresa tem não se sustentará. Eles terão
mais uns bons cinco anos – a genialidade de Steve Jobs continuará a
impulsioná-los nesse período. Startups surgem em toda parte, e a próxima
Apple deverá começar a aparecer já em 2013.
ZH – Há quem aposte que o próximo grande embate no setor de tecnologia será entre Google e Facebook. Quem vencerá essa briga?
Leonhard – Há espaço suficiente para cinco ou seis Googles e
Facebooks, assim, como hoje existe espaço para DHL, Fedex e outras
empresas de correspondência. À medida em que o mundo está se tornando
hiperconectado, será mais importante quais problemas as grandes
companhias poderão resolver do que quanto elas irão faturar no próximo
Do Ego ao Eco ao Ícone. Rumo ao futuro sustentável pela economia criativa com Gerd Leonhard Dia 5 de novembro das 9h às 12 horas ao Museu da Imagem e Som, São Paulo. Participação de Davi Nakano (POLI-USP) e Gilson Schwartz (ECA-USP). Qual a relação entre economia verde, inovação tecnológica e novas mídias.
Data: Dia 5 de novembro das 9h às 12 horas Local: Museu da Imagem e Som - Avenida Europa, 158, Jardim Europa, São Paulo - SP, Brasil Informações: [email protected]
Davi Nakano: Professor Doutor da Escola Politécnica-USP Revisor do International Journal of Production Economics Especialista em Economia Criativa e Gestão do Conhecimento.
Gilson Schwartz: Programa de Pós-Graduação em Meios e Processos Audiovisuais (PPGMPA-USP) Programa Interdisciplinar de Pós-Graduação Humanidades, Direitos e Outras Legitimidades (FFLCH-USP) Grupo de Pesquisa Cidade do Conhecimento.
Please join me for this debate - should be great fun. Andrew Keen - often called the Anti-Christ of Silicon Valley - is a long-time colleague of mine and even though we don't agree on a lot of things he puts forth about in his 2 most recent books (The Cult of the Amateur, and the newest Digital Vertigo) I respect his work a lot - don't miss this; sparks are sure to fly.
Attendance is limited to 100 people so sign up early (and be sure to log-in at least 20 mins before showtime:)
Fri, Oct 26, 2012 6:00 PM - 7:00 PM CEST i.e. 12 noon EST, 9am PST, 11 pm Sinagpore etc
Gerd Leonhard aka MediaFuturist is a futurist, keynote speaker,
author and CEO of TheFuturesAgency, based in Switzerland. He is (mostly)
a proponent of what he calls 'The Networked Society', the SoLoMo
internet (social, local, mobile) and freemium business models; and
foresees great opportunities in the global empowerment of creators and
consumers powered by digital technology. His latest book is 'the future
of content and can be found on Amazon see
Andrew and Gerd will present some of their key insights for approx.
10-15 minutes each, and will then debate the most crucial issues such as
what privacy means in a connected world, whether 'the crowds' are
actually being empowered or not, what the future role of social media
will be, what the true meaning of a networked society is, and what the
media landscape will look like, in the future.
Get ready for some serious sparring - which will also involve the
participants, both via messages and chat as well as via audio
intervention (upon invitation only).
This seminar will be recorded - please be aware of this fact if you
are invited to speak during the session. You can view some of the
previous recordings here:
This session is limited to 100 people so please sign up early; most
importantly please log-in at least 30 mins prior to the starting time.
More about Andrew:
"Andrew Keen has found the off switch for Silicon Valley's reality
distortion field. With a cold eye and a cutting wit, he reveals the
grandiose claims of our new digital plutocrats to be little more than
self-serving cant. Digital Vertigo provides a timely and welcome reminder that having substance is more important than being transparent. -- Nicholas Carr, author of The Shallows What the Internet Is Doing to Our Brains
More about Gerd
Leonhard ... the canvas:)
The Future of Business blog
Update: you can now use this sign-up form at Eventbrite to secure your spot for this public office. I will, btw, answer any question on any topic that comes up; the whole thing will be recorded and made available on Youtube (provided all participants agree:). We will use audio, video, and screen-sharing as needed.
I have been using gotowebinar and gotomeeting for a while and it's turning out to be a good and simple tool for online conferencing, presentations and discussions. Many of my clients have been asking me to offer some kind of 'virtual office hour' where they can just come in and ask me stuff; therefore I have decided to give this a try - see the details below. Please note: the limit is 25 people and you'll need to email me to get the password, first (and of course, it's free:)))
1. Please join my meeting, Sep 24, 2012 at 5:00 PM CET
2. Use your microphone and speakers (VoIP) - a headset is recommended.
Social web strategist, speaker and blogger Stowe Boyd and
futurist, speaker & author Gerd Leonhard are delighted to present
this 60-minute, free webinar based on a white paper jointly developed by
Stowe Boyd and TheFuturesAgency entitled 'social TV and the second
You can read more about here (and
download it via the link or directly, here )
"The overlap of social media and TV represents a huge opportunity
for those that truly understand and internalize, embrace and partake in
these changes, and that welcome this dawning networked, interdependent
and many-to-many society"
Stowe and Gerd will briefly present some select slides and updates
on the topic of the future of television (10-15 minutes each), followed
by a Q&A session with the participants.
The emphasis of this event is on allowing plenty of time for
questions and discussion; both via chat as well as via audio (upon
individual invitation only).
THIS EVENT IS LIMITED TO 100 PARTICIPANTS. Please sign up early and
be sure to show up at least 30 minute prior to the starting time to
avoid disappointment.
Stowe and Gerd are both members of The Futures Agency network and
often work together holding seminars and think-tank events for media and
technology companies, around the globe see
Find our more about Stowe Boyd
Find our more about Gerd Leonhard:
Mobile apps:
The Future of Business blog
More links:
After registering, you will receive a confirmation email containing information about joining the webinar.
I have just added some 25 new audio-only versions (podcasts) of my various keynote speeches, talks and presentations from the past 12 months to my free iOS / Android app - check it out (this is a great way to get really distracted while driving ;). I also have a new web-app if you don't want to download anything, here.
In addition, you can now subscribe to all my audio feeds via iTunes or directly via the new FutureTalks podcast site.
Fellow media futurist and Futures Agency colleague Ross Dawson and me are delighted to announce this free webinar on July 19, 2012, at 2pm CET, 1pm UK, 8 am EST, 8pm Singapore & HongKong, 7pm Jakarta time. Attendance is limited to 100 people so sign up early. Emphasis will be on discussion and questions rather than presentations.
The Future of Media: Mobile, Social, Cloud... and Paid? With Futurists Ross Dawson and Gerd Leonhard
Join us for a webinar on Jul 19, 2012 at 2:00 PM CEST.
Both Ross and Gerd have spend the past 10 years researching, writing and speaking about the future of media & content, and have worked with over 150 clients in 27 countries on many of the key topics such as monetization and new, web-native business models, curation and filtering, the global shift to mobile devices and what it really means for media, the dramatic convergence of Internet and television, the move from media ownership to cloud access (such as in books or print), the future of advertising (and whether it can fund media productions), crowd-sourcing, UGC and social media, and much more. In this free webinar, Ross and Gerd will present 5 key points on the future of media (print, tv, films, music etc) each - approx. 20 minutes in total - and then take questions from the participants (via the chat functions or twitter). The goal is to have an in-depth, ad-hoc conversation that involves the participants as much as possible. You can also ask questions beforehand, via @gleonhard or @rossdawson #futmedia
PLEASE NOTE: attendance is limited to 100 people - sign up early:)
You may have noticed that I caught the Tumblr bug about 18 months ago and that I have been busy curating my findings - as opposed to actually writing longer stories, myself, as I used to do on this blog - on 3 new blogs. Most of the posts on this blogs are a direct by-product on what I actually read and digest via the fabulous Instapaper and Read-It-Later apps, published directly to Tumblr via some nifty APIs:)
Some of these blogs are quite popular already; please take a look and follow me there as well if you like:
Green Futurist (all my posts on Green Futures, energy, climate change, sustainability etc, currently 4685 followers) my latest addition (only approx. 150 followers so far); this site will become my new hub for pretty much everything that I want to share online, regardless of topics
Please take a look and let me know how you like them; all 3 are mobile-optimized via Tumblr, as well, btw.
Update: Friday June 1 5pm EST: we now have the whole thing online (in German, for now), here, and the discussion is starting on this brand-new Facebook page.
I just finished this open letter to the Swiss government and the music industry, proposing a new, standardized digital music license, and a digital music flat rate of 1 Swiss Franc per week per user, paid by the retailers or telcos or the users.
Note: The PDF is in GERMAN until I get around to translating it:
I am happy to anounce the release of a special report that my colleague Stowe Boyd has recently written, Social TV and The Second Screen, developed cooperatively by his company 'Work Talk Research' and The Futures Agency, as part of an ongoing series on the future of media. You can download the whole thing (yes, for free) here, via Stowe's site.
I wrote the foreword (excerpt):
The overlap of social media and TV represents a huge opportunity for those that truly understand and internalize, embrace and partake in these changes, and that welcome this dawning networked, interdependent and many-to-many society.
I will be working with Stowe Boyd to produce quite a few more reports and white papers in 2012. In addition, we will be doing a lot more work together offering Media Futures events, workshops and seminars.
Keynote Speaker, Think-Tank Leader, Futurist, Author & Strategist, Idea Curator, some say Iconoclast | Heretic, CEO TheFuturesAgency, Visiting Prof FDC Brazil, Green Futurist
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