Audio-only version is now available on my mobile app (the entire 2 hours); excerpt below. Enjoy:)))
Gerd Leonhard Talk at Repretel Costa Rica
Audio-only version is now available on my mobile app (the entire 2 hours); excerpt below. Enjoy:)))
Gerd Leonhard Talk at Repretel Costa Rica
In case you missed our webinar on SocialTV and the Future of Television, today (shame on you;): the video will go live in a few hours (assuming the recording actually worked) on my Youtube Webinars playlist.
And here are the slides we used (creative commons non-commercial, attribution licensed, as usual):
Gerd, Stowe as well as the reports we referenced (subject to different licenses): Ericsson: Getting Social on TV Google: The new multi-screen world, and Stowe's Social TV report.
UPDATE: Here is the video
Enjoy and share:))
Please join me for this unique event (there is no charge except for your attention:)
The Future of
Television: Social, Mobile, Over-the-top? With Stowe Boyd and Gerd
Leonhard (The Futures Agency) on Sep 4, 2012 5:00 PM CEST
Social web strategist, speaker and blogger Stowe Boyd and
futurist, speaker & author Gerd Leonhard are delighted to present
this 60-minute, free webinar based on a white paper jointly developed by
Stowe Boyd and TheFuturesAgency entitled 'social TV and the second
You can read more about here (and
download it via the link or directly, here )
"The overlap of social media and TV represents a huge opportunity
for those that truly understand and internalize, embrace and partake in
these changes, and that welcome this dawning networked, interdependent
and many-to-many society"
Stowe and Gerd will briefly present some select slides and updates
on the topic of the future of television (10-15 minutes each), followed
by a Q&A session with the participants.
The emphasis of this event is on allowing plenty of time for
questions and discussion; both via chat as well as via audio (upon
individual invitation only).
THIS EVENT IS LIMITED TO 100 PARTICIPANTS. Please sign up early and
be sure to show up at least 30 minute prior to the starting time to
avoid disappointment.
Stowe and Gerd are both members of The Futures Agency network and
often work together holding seminars and think-tank events for media and
technology companies, around the globe see
Find our more about Stowe Boyd
Find our more about Gerd Leonhard:
Mobile apps:
The Future of Business blog
More links:
After registering, you will receive a confirmation email containing information about joining the webinar.
See you there:)
This nice video just went up on my Youtube channel: my entire keynote speech (67 minutes) from the Future with High Speed Broadband Conference in Auckland, New Zealand on February 23, 2012. Topics: Transformational Technologies and Creating new demand for ICT services - The Future of Broadband and ICT -, in detail: the coming telemedia convergence, the future of content in a hyper-connected society, social networks are cable TV without the cable, why open standards are crucial, why and how data is the new oil, how Control is being replaced by engagement and involvement, why sustainability becomes even more important, the shift from egosystems versus ecosystems, the new drivers of Innovation. The slides are embedded below, as well.
I just finished my presentation at the Future of Broadband conference here in Auckland, New Zealand, and sure enough, someone from TechToday(NZ) has already reviewed and summarized some of it, see below. I will make the video available as soon as I have it, on my Youtube channel. The slides I used (most of them, at least) are below, as well. Enjoy and share:)
From yesterday (Oct 4 2011) in Cannes. see the Twitter buzz
I was invited to do the opening keynote at Ericsson's 'Shaping the Networked Society' event at this year's mobile world congress (MWC) in Barcelona, on February 14, 2011, see my blog at Some of the topics I covered include the challenges and opportunities of convergence (TV-Web, Mobile-Fixed, real money - virtual money), new currencies and paying with facebook credits, companies becoming platforms not empires, what is beyond the current social media enthusiasm, the new paradigm of 'interaction before transaction', the tough but inevitabe switch from ownership to access (both in content / media as well as in general), the rise of the 'following paradigm', how the media and content industries are changing, and much more.
Take a look and please spread the word if you like it. Thanks.
My video RSS feed via
Add to Miro
It was a great pleasure to speak at TedX New Street in London yesterday (tweet flow is here, btw) I was allotted the usual 18 Ted-minutes to speak about the future of intellectual property and copyright - a piece of cake! Here is my presentation, below - let me know how you like it. Hopefully we will have a video on pretty soon, as well. If you want a quicky download (rather than the high-res slideshare version, below), you can try this low-res PDF: Future of IP and Copyright Gerd Leonhard Tedx London LOW RES
Everyone: this is a biggie. Check out this video below and the announcement on the Google blog. Here are some quotes from the blog, and some comments from my end:
Here is the PDF from today's session in London. High-res and Slideshare version below - and stay tuned! 3.5 MB PDF: Telemedia Futures BLPLaw London Gerd Leonhard
Just received this file via MPJC podcast site; it's the audio version of my 30-minute speech on The Future of Media, get more details via my previous post on MPJC 2009. Note: the introduction (90 secs) is in Dutch but my speech is in English.
I was invited to give the opening keynote at the Mediapark Jaar Congress in Hilversum, Holland, today (June 23, 2009). The PDF can be downloaded below (creative commons licensed, as usual - feel free to re-use non-commercially, but please give attribution). Mediapark Jaarcongress Hilversum Gerd Leonhard Future of Media Public (PDF 20 MB) Check out the #mpjc2009 Twitter Buzz (mostly in Dutch, all MJPC 2009 tweets google-translated, here). I always love speaking in Holland btw - great people! Update: the Dutch Cowboys Blog has a good summary of my presentation (in Dutch)
Update: here is the audio podcast from my speech
Here is a new video that I have just uploaded to my channel on (which offers full iTunes download feeds so you can watch all of my videos offline, too) . The topic: Broadband penetration is rapidly increasing around the world, and Internet access is no longer depending on computers but increasingly available on mobile devices such as smart phones. Soon, the kids i.e. the 'digital natives' will run the show, and they expect Radio & TV to deliver content in much the same way as the Net does: time-shifted, interactive, engaging, shareable and via any and all platforms. The imminent total convergence of the Internet and Broadcasting will bring many challenges to traditional broadcasters (commercial or public) but there are also unprecedented opportunities - this video discusses the key trends and future scenarios.
Please note that for some reason some of the transitions and animations are a bit delayed and don't sync 100% correctly with the voice; I have not yet figured out what how to solve this (I use Apple Keynote; and this problem happened when I exported the .key file with the voice-over to Quicktime - if anyone has an idea how to fix this please comment below - thanks). In the meantime, here is a pdf file with every single animation as one page so that you can click along with the video as I speak. Download Broadband Broadcasting step by step slides Gerd Leonhard
I am still riffing off my ABU talk from May 17/18 2009 (the phrase 'emerging cultural practices' itself is, of course, appropriated or shall we say PFA'd via Henry Jenkin's brilliant book "Convergence Culture") - here is a summary.
Keynote Speaker, Think-Tank Leader, Futurist, Author & Strategist, Idea Curator, some say Iconoclast | Heretic, CEO TheFuturesAgency, Visiting Prof FDC Brazil, Green Futurist
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