This is a brand-new and very nicely produced video - a big thank-you to Google Australia for making it available so quickly. If you are in the travel business, do make sure to watch this video, and check out the other speakers and their presentations, as well. Enjoy, RT, Google + this :)))
18 minutes can be quite short, I think; I always feel a bit rushed as a consequence. But either way, I would love to get your feedback on what you think about this fast-paced presentation; so please leave your comments below or email me. To make this a bit easier, here is the PDF (18MB) of my slides: TedXWarwick Gerd Leonhard PDF. Provided under the usual creative commons attribution non-commercial license, just like all my other slideshows and videos. Most other TedXWarwick can be found here. You can download my book "Friction is Fiction" here (free and hopefully 'friction-less' PDF), or buy a dead-tree version here.
Absolutely brilliant and fascinating stuff by one of my favorite thinkers (and a great influence on my own work), Kevin Kelly. This is one of his most concise talks and he really covers IT ALL in here so... be sure to spend 25 minutes on this video; it's well worth it.
Some key take-aways: "We used to be people of the book, now we are people of the screen. Now we have TV we read and books we watch. We are in the cloud, indeed, but now the cloud is looking back at us, too, and social reading results in social writing. Access not ownership is where all content is going (yes, you have heard that from me before, too:). Flows not pages. New generatives are the new value..."
Great stuff indeed. To download KK's slides go here (thanks to OReilly for making it all available, too!)
Today I am delighted to officially announce my new company, The Futures Agency (TFA). TFA is based in Basel, Switzerland and is currently comprised of 15 amazing people i.e. Associates that are working with me on an independent basis; additional team members will be announced shortly. Think of us as a 'band' of futurists and foresight-experts, visionaries, advsiors and idea-curators ...and you'll get the idea.
I will serve as CEO and plan to grow this company into one of the most amazing agencies on the planet, employing these 5 key principles:
Knowledge grows when shared (therefore we share everything)
Proudly find elsewhere (PFE)
Do what you do best and link to the rest (Jeff Jarvis)
Spend less time being important and more time being relevant
The leaders of the future are connectors - not just directors
(If you need more of my favorite memes please go here)
I am extremely pleased to have been able to gather some of the sharpest minds and greatest people, anywhere, including:
Mikael Jensen (Digital Media Strategist, formerly at TDC Play, Copenhagen, Denmark)
This amazing team of powerful individuals and collaborators is supported by Project Manager Gabi Ruttloff, in Zürich, and (Multimedia) Journalist, (Social) Scientist, Researcher & Creative Dr. Martin Strickman, in Cologne, Germany.
The purpose of TFA is to provide our clients with a lot more firepower and emotional intelligence when answering this key question: What does the future bring, and how do we prepare for it...?
Or, to put it more proactively (for those inclined to that sort of thing;): Which future do we really want to create?
TFA offers seminars, workshops, think-tanks and advisory sessions ranging from 3-5 hours to 3 days, with anywhere from 2 to 10 people, worldwide. Some of our thinktanks may use a format called the Disruption Experience which I have been finetuning together with my good friend and world-renowned leadership expert Didier Marlier, who lives in Switzerland as well. Other thinktanks may use our "FuturesExperience" format, and additional formats will be announced soon. As an example, a few weeks ago TFA undertook a really amazing mission for a one of the largest mobile operators and telcos in Africa; 3 days of serious future-thinking and plotting with the executive team. Hopefully I can share some of those stories with you in the future.
It was a great pleasure to speak at TedX New Street in London yesterday (tweet flow is here, btw) I was allotted the usual 18 Ted-minutes to speak about the future of intellectual property and copyright - a piece of cake! Here is my presentation, below - let me know how you like it. Hopefully we will have a video on pretty soon, as well. If you want a quicky download (rather than the high-res slideshare version, below), you can try this low-res PDF: Future of IP and Copyright Gerd Leonhard Tedx London LOW RES
Blogging this aboard a train from Wales to London; on my way back from one of the most amazing events I have attended in a long time: DoLectures in Cardigan, Wales (UK); see more details at their blog, here. I was invited to speak on one of my key topics: the switch from EGOsystems to ECOsystems - here is the PDF, below. Video to follow shortly.
Lots of good stuff here - check it out. Food for thought, indeed. Thanks, Johanna. View the PDF of Johanna Blakley's TEDxUSC talk about fashion and IP.
8 months ago, I was interviewed by the House of Radon people for a movie called PressPausePlay, a really promising film that is presented by Ericsson and is scheduled for release some time later this year. I have embedded the trailer below (yes, it includes my 15 seconds of micro-fame) and really look forward to seeing the whole thing when it's ready.
Kudos to Ericsson for sponsoring a very powerful film about the huge changes in production, distribution and consumption of creative works - this is a crucial topic that is, of course, very close to my own work (see here, here, here and here). Eric Wahlforss (SoundCloud's Founder) is involved, as well, btw.
From the film's web-site: "A new generation of global creators and artists are emerging,
equipped with other points of reference and other tools. The teachers
arenʼt certified schools anymore - itʼs web sites, discussion forums and a
“learn by doing”-mentality. We see the children of a digital age,
unspoiled or uneducated depending on who you ask. Collaboration over
hierarchy, digital over analog - a change in the way we produce,
distribute and consume creative works. PressPausePlay is the first film to capture this new ecosystem.
We meet the creatives at the frontier of production, the technical
enablers of collaboration and distribution, the artists, the pop stars,
the film makers, the business men, the visionaries and the ones left
behind. Itʼs a story from the smallest molecule to the largest
corporation. Itʼs a snapshot of today, but at the same time predictions
of a near future.
Weʼre not creating a documentary in the classical sense of
shaky cameras, bad lighting and unbearable sound. Although we have a
small budget, we got big aspirations. The film will in itself be a proof
of the evolution story weʼre telling, shot in digital 4K and finished at
the end of 2010. Ready for both the big (cinema) and the small (mobile)
screen. We will release rough edits and interviews as well as the final
film free for anyone to use, broadcast and distribute. PressPausePlay will be an observation, a testimony and a
Fresh from the video-baking oven here in Switzerland (yes, unfortunately I had to cancel my speaking engagement in Helsinki - the Volcano thing got in the way;) here are 14 key memes that I think will impact the Future of Business: Web-Native by Default, Mobile First, From Network to Networked, the global Shift to Open Platforms, from Control to Trust, from EgoSystem to ECOSystems, from Walled Gardens to Jungles, the ubiquitous Shift to the Cloud, from monetizing Friction to monetizing Engagement, from GUI to NUI, from Yes | No to Maybe, from Linear Logic to Fuzzy Logic, the Shift to new Qualifications (Education 2.0) and the growing emphasis on Foresight. Enjoy. Spread the word.
Want more videos? Go to Gerdtube (or just download all of them, via iTunes)
This is a short, 90 second clipping from my talk at the Guardian Changing Media Summit 2010, in London, on "Immediate Media Futures"
The key messages:
In this 'new' era of digital, ubiquitous and mobile / social content, enforcing control when
trust is needed is a very bad idea, indeed - and it is likely to sooner or later eliminate your audience
In the connected economy, I think that forcing to pay is like forcing to love. A much better way to look at this is to "ATTRACT and ENGAGE" followers (those people fka consumers) to buy.
More from this event is available at the Guardian's site; and I hope to have the entire 15 minutes of my talk up on my Gerd-Tube channels soon, as well. You can watch the same video (and other short ones) on my Flickr page.
Merry Christmas and a happy 2010 to everyone in the Music Industry! Below is a short video I made specifically for all you music industry people reading my blog (plus 2 other videos I believe you may enjoy, as well - if you need more, please go to my GerdTube channel on
In addition, here are my top 9 ideas for what I think needs to happen in 2010, to move this industry forward. I am using mostly links here because, well, I have said it all already way too often in the past 5 years;)
Stop pushing for more and more and...more legal or technical protection measures and lighten up on the constant quest for control: think (and act) compensation not control!
Access to music is going to replace ownership, very soon, so start thinking 'Selling 2.0' - if copies are abundant and can no longer be monetized in the same way as before, what else can you sell? This is crucial. You need to groom and build the New Generatives not push harder to pass laws to try and get the old times to magically return.
Friction truly is Fiction i.e. utterly wishful thinking, now, so you have a choice: get out of the way... or lend a hand (you have heard that song before). Reinvent your relationship with the artists and the 'people formerly known as consumers'. Stop hiding behind technological tricks and artificial hurdles: protection is in the business model not in the technology (need more? Check out my new book "Friction is Fiction").
Stop hanging on to that good old, comfortable EGOsystem paradigm - start building the new ECOsystem. The future is not in Google paying for all music online, or the ISPs paying for all music on their networks - it's in constantly moving, interconnected, fluid and tri-brid (that is hybrid+1) systems of 'I pay, you Pay, 3rd party pays'.
The new money is in connecting the cloud (where the music is) with the crowd (where the money is) - access comes first now, ownership is second. And this is good news!
Question your assumptions: what do you still believe that is no longer really true...? (see the video below).
Here is my presentation from the ACTE09 event in Prague, today, where I also had the great pleasure of meeting a very interesting fellow speaker and like-minded 'change agent', Michael Jackson, from South Africa, who served as MC for the whole event.
The topics of my presentation: how mobile and social media trends impact business,
in general, and the corporate travel industry, in particular; how the
social media and mobile Internet explosion is resulting in
unprecedented changes in communications and commerce. The need to
reduce CONTROL to get more SHARE is evident... but how can this be done
within large organizations? How can social media add value, and what
are the risks?
Keynote Speaker, Think-Tank Leader, Futurist, Author & Strategist, Idea Curator, some say Iconoclast | Heretic, CEO TheFuturesAgency, Visiting Prof FDC Brazil, Green Futurist
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