Julian Treasure: The 4 ways sound affects us from LeftBrainAudio on Vimeo.
Julian Treasure: The 4 ways sound affects us from LeftBrainAudio on Vimeo.
Everyone in the content industry should watch this demo, below, of what the Wired guys are working on - it's fantastic food for thought; exciting stuff. And just gotta love Scott's Matrix-dude-like, gravely voice in beginning;). Well done, guys.
4 'IF' comments: 1) If the publishers can and will provide very addictive, immersive and interactive experiences at LITERALLY no-brainer prices or via bundled services (big 'if' here) 2) If the media companies and 'rights-holders' decide to get rid of all that crippling and legitimate user-insulting DRM and other technical protection models (remember, Protection is in the Business Model) 3) If the advertisers and brands are really going to fast-track their support for these kinds of new platforms 4) If everybody can finally resist the temptation to make this yet another 'walled garden' competition, albeit with prettier flowers....THEN indeed, we just may have something here. I'll be watching (+).
I always enjoy the Mobile Monday events - great people that are keen to talk, learn and exchange the latest developments and ideas in the mobile space (my previous, Mobile Monday Amsterdam PDF is here or here btw, and the video is here). Update: the video from this event is now available on YouTube.
As promised, here, below, is my slideshow and PDF from today's gig in Munich, on the topic of "Media 2.0: Mobile, Social, Open...Free?". Enjoy. Share.
Hugh MacLeod is one of my favorite cartoonists that covers geeky web and technology stuff, over at Gapingvoid.com. Below is a quote from his blog that makes a ton of sense to me, so I wanted to share it with you.
He says that as a working artist, he divides his day into two parts: “Bleed and Feed”.
"The Bleed Part. Taking care of business. Doing work for my clients. Working on new Cube Grenade ideas etc. Trying to find new clients etc. Trying to get my bills paid etc etc.
The Feed Part. I go and make drawings for myself. Completely non-commercial. Often no more than doodling in my sketchbook. Just me and a pen, trying to feed my well. Often accompanied by a nice glass of red.
I try to do both every day. “Bleed” gets my morning and afternoons. “Feed” happens mostly after dinner, before bedtime.
Yeah, I guess this is a variation on The Sex & Cash Theory. It’s all good.
All successful artists “Bleed and Feed”, in their own way. The ones who don’t– who just try to do one or the other– tend to burn out rather quickly. That’s just Reality"
via gapingvoid.com
Keynote Speaker, Think-Tank Leader, Futurist, Author & Strategist, Idea Curator, some say Iconoclast | Heretic, CEO TheFuturesAgency, Visiting Prof FDC Brazil, Green Futurist
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