This is a very nicely recorded video (thanks to the BBC NI and their fabulous studio in Belfast) and I cover a lot of ground as far as the future of media is concerned; one of my best talks on this topic, to date, imho:) Enjoy and share!
You can download the PDF with most of the slides here , or just browse my Slideshare channel. In this talk I cover most of the key topics such as 'the people formerly known as consumers', the shift from ownership to access, advertising becoming content, independence replaced by Interdependence, the end of attention monopolies, the social OS aka SoLoMo.
Special thanks to the BBC NI for making a great video and sharing it with me and everyone else. Also special thanks to Tiffany Shlain and her great work - be sure to watch 'Connected the Movie' asap!!
"Em uma sociedade cada vez mais conectada pela internet, ganham força a
colaboração e a troca de ideias como motores da inovação. Soluções
adotadas até recentemente já não se aplicam mais. Quem alerta para essa
mudança são dois estudiosos das transformações que a tecnologia vem
impondo: o norte-americano Steven Johnson, professor da Universidade de
Nova York e autor do best seller De onde vêm as boas ideias — a história
natural da inovação, e o alemão Gerd Leonhard, fundador do instituto
Green Futurist, também autor de obras como The Future Of Content, entre
A dupla de pensadores do futuro estará participando do 5º Congresso
Internacional de Inovação, promovido pela Fiergs, nos próximos dias 30 e
31, em Porto Alegre (informações e inscrições no site ). Johnson e Leonhard anteciparam algumas
das ideias que discutirão no evento em entrevistas concedidas por
e-mail a Zero Hora. Confira os principais trechos.
Gerd Leonhard — Fundador do instituto Green Futurist
ZH – Como o uso cada vez maior das redes sociais está mudando a forma
como as pessoas interagem entre si e se relacionam com as empresas,
enquanto consumidores?
Gerd Leonhard – Estamos nos tornando uma sociedade conectada. Em
alguns casos, tanto “compartilhamento” e transparência poderá acabar com
nossa privacidade, mas, de uma maneira geral, esta nova era traz mais
benefícios. Consequências claras disso são um aumento radical do poder
dos consumidores, maior transparência política e declínio da corrupção,
marketing mais honesto e publicidade mais útil. Deveríamos, aliás,
descartar o termo mídias sociais porque não se trata apenas de mídia,
mas de algo que chamo de Social OS (sistema operacional social). Cada
empresa ou governo deverá se tornar conectado, aberto, transparente e
engajado. Caso contrário, iremos ignorá-los.
ZH – Alguns críticos dizem que a internet tornou disponível um grande
volume de informação, mas o uso que se faz desse conhecimento é
superficial. O senhor concorda?
Leonhard – Em 1971, Marshall McLuhan disse que a aldeia global não é
“quieta e harmoniosa”, mas tem dose considerável de barulho e caos. Não é
questão de overdose de informação, mas de filtro. É aí que os
jornalistas entram: não basta só conteúdo, é preciso contexto. Não se
trata só de volume, mas de dar relevância aos fatos.
ZH – A internet já transformou a indústria musical e agora está
mudando o cinema, a TV e o mercado literário. As corporações ligadas a
esses ramos, porém, parecem não estar faturando como antes. As empresas
terão de se habituar a ganhar menos nesta nova realidade?
Leonhard – Na era dos monopólios, as empresas estavam habituadas a
margens de lucro fantásticas porque os consumidores não tinham escolha.
De agora em diante, os preços por unidade de conteúdo estão caindo, em
alguns casos, até 90% – veja o Netflix (serviço de vídeos online) x
DVDs. As boas notícias são que mais pessoas podem ser alcançadas por
meios digitais, os custos de distribuição são menores e a publicidade
está se tornando digital rapidamente – nos próximos três a cinco anos,
veremos 50% dos orçamentos publicitários – globalmente, uns US$ 600
bilhões – migrarem para meios digitais, móveis e sociais. Há grandes
oportunidades, mas nada será como era 10 anos atrás.
ZH – Atualmente, a Apple é considerada a mais criativa e valiosa empresa do mundo. Essa posição conseguirá ser mantida?
Leonhard – Sou fã da Apple, mas essa visão de mundo extremamente
centrada e controlada que a empresa tem não se sustentará. Eles terão
mais uns bons cinco anos – a genialidade de Steve Jobs continuará a
impulsioná-los nesse período. Startups surgem em toda parte, e a próxima
Apple deverá começar a aparecer já em 2013.
ZH – Há quem aposte que o próximo grande embate no setor de tecnologia será entre Google e Facebook. Quem vencerá essa briga?
Leonhard – Há espaço suficiente para cinco ou seis Googles e
Facebooks, assim, como hoje existe espaço para DHL, Fedex e outras
empresas de correspondência. À medida em que o mundo está se tornando
hiperconectado, será mais importante quais problemas as grandes
companhias poderão resolver do que quanto elas irão faturar no próximo
Today is a very big day for me. My new Kindle book "The Future of Content" just went online at Amazon, and is already gaining a lot of traction. You can view a very short video greeting about the book on my GerdTube channel (Youtube:)
Of course I would be very happy if you would consider buying the book for yourself (only $3.90, Kindle-only) but beyond that it would be really great if you could help me spread the word via rating and / or 'liking' the book on the page, tweeting about it or just forwarding this mail to some friends that may be interested.
This review is from: The Future of Content (Kindle Edition)
"I challenge you to expand your brain and read this book. What Gerd Leonhard is always doing is informing the global brain (or the collective brain) in ways that help us all get where we're trying to go. He builds the buildings in front of us.
This collection points toward several compelling answers for content creators. As a writer who is already swimming in the changing currents of "content," I found it intensely informative. Leonhard shores up my courage to continue embracing a digital world without DRM, and ebook prices "for the masses." He makes the all-important concept of curation crystal clear. If you are providing any kind of content in print or on the web, it's relevant. If you want to stay on the front edge of content creation and publishing, it's basic. I'm making this book mandatory reading for my epublishing circles"
ABOUT "THE FUTURE OF CONTENT" Futurist Gerd Leonhard has been writing about the future of content i.e. music, film, TV, books, newspapers, games etc, since 1998. He has published 4 books on this topic, 2 of them on music (The Future of Music, with David Kusek, and Music 2.0). For the past 10 years Leonhard has been deeply involved with many clients in various sectors of the content industry, in something like 17 countries, and it’s been a great experience, he says. “I have learned a lot, I have listened a lot, I have talked even more (most likely:) and I think I have grown to really understand the issues that face the content industries - and the creators, themselves - in the switch from physical to digital media.”
This Kindle book is a highly curated collection of the most important essays and blog posts Leonhard has written on this topic, and even though some of it was written as far back as 2007 - “I believe it still holds water years later. I have tried to only include the pieces that have real teeth. Please note that the original date of each piece is shown here in order to allow for contextual orientation.” Leonhard’s intent to publish this via the amazing Amazon Kindle platform, exclusively, and at a very low price, is to make these ideas and concepts as widely available as possible while still trying to be an example of what digital, paperless distribution can look like, going forward.
DVD streaming ‘rental’ service Zediva just shut down to comply with US court order; see the attached email. While it was clear from the beginning (to me) that their approach to licensing the rights wouldn’t work for very long, it is a pity to, once again, see innovative ideas fail because the rights-holders aren’t ready for it - or shall we say, aren’t ready to give these options to consumers...
A few weeks ago I went into a local studio and recorded about 15 new videos on my key topics and favorite memes. In the coming few weeks, I will release them gradually, via my Youtube channel, my channel (which allows for downloads to iTunes), via the new FuturesAgency Youtube channel, and via Facebook; and I hope you will enjoy them.
Here is the first one, on the perennial topic of "Free and Freemium" business models.
From today's event in London, my latest slideshow on the future of 'monetizing' content - hopefully we will have a video soon, as well. In the meantime, check out my list of recommended videos in my last newsletter.
I was invited to do the opening keynote at Ericsson's 'Shaping the Networked Society' event at this year's mobile world congress (MWC) in Barcelona, on February 14, 2011, see my blog at Some of the topics I covered include the challenges and opportunities of convergence (TV-Web, Mobile-Fixed, real money - virtual money), new currencies and paying with facebook credits, companies becoming platforms not empires, what is beyond the current social media enthusiasm, the new paradigm of 'interaction before transaction', the tough but inevitabe switch from ownership to access (both in content / media as well as in general), the rise of the 'following paradigm', how the media and content industries are changing, and much more.
Take a look and please spread the word if you like it. Thanks.
This is a much better quality version of the video I already posted last week (please go here for the slides of the presentation) - enjoy, share and spread the word.
Download the video via my channel (480MB MP4)
I had the great pleasure to be invited to speak at the Neuchatel International Film Festival (Switzerland), yesterday (July 7, 2010) during their Symposium on 'Imaging the Future'. I covered a lot of ground in my talk, ranging from how film / media consumers have changed, to mobility and the (r)evolution of new user interfaces, to the impact of social media, to crowd-funding to the art of getting and converting attention, to the link economy in the content industries, to next-generation business models in the creative sectors.
Below is the slideshow, the self-recorded video (we'll have a better take from the NIFF hopefully soon) and the audio version of my talk. Enjoy... and share;). You can download a lot more videos via my GerdTube channel on (incl. video podcast feed for iTunes). You can download the high-resolution PDF via Slideshare or just use this quick-low-res version: PDF: Future of Film Gerd Leonhard NIFF low res
Keynote Speaker, Think-Tank Leader, Futurist, Author & Strategist, Idea Curator, some say Iconoclast | Heretic, CEO TheFuturesAgency, Visiting Prof FDC Brazil, Green Futurist
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