TV-Widgets are here: Samsung just announced their first series of TVs that will be connected to the Internet, by default (see a demo of Samsung's See'N'Search set-top box here). But here is the real big deal, imho (quote): "The Widget Channel - its official name - will be powered by Yahoo
Widget Engine, allowing you to sit back on your sofa like a lazy couch
potato, and enjoy small internet applications such as news and weather,
all from your remote control." "Content will be accessible through an
integrated Ethernet port or a Samsung wireless adaptor...." says ShinyShiny.
What does this mean? Well, if you are into widgets (i.e. embeddable content objects, both web-based or desk-top based) on your computer or your iPhone (I think this crowd counts about 170-200 Million people right now - so this very early, still - but all of us brave consumers that buy those cool iPhone apps are basically widget users, now, too!), very soon you can, and probably will 1000s of widgets available on your 50+inch TV screen in your living room (or wherever else you "like to watch"). Imagine: stock tickers, tweets, RSS feeds, music widgets, social network messages, video streams, contvertising ;) Now what will THAT do to the TV industry? Talking about competing for attention - a real challenge, imho.
Contagious Mag adds: "Yahoo! and Intel have joined forces to develop a Widget Channel which will allow users to access their favorite internet content whilst watching TV. The
Widget Channel will utilise a comprehensive software network, built
around the Yahoo! Widget Engine and delivered via an Intel set-top box.
The result will be a series of TV Widgets, or as Yahoo! describes them
- 'small Internet applications designed to complement and enhance the
traditional TV experience'. What this means, is that viewers
will have instant access to news, sports results, weather reports and
even feeds from websites such as Flickr. In order to make the fusing of
internet and TV as seamless and intuitive as possible, there will also
be a Widget Gallery function made available at a later date. This will
allow users to customise each widget and how it is displayed, as well
as publish them across multiple TV's and related devices"
Truly, we are heading into the Attention, Conversation and Participation Economy at mindboggling speed. This will also help to boost interactive services, 3D and Virtual World Experiences. More via the Yahoo/Intel press release, Video here (quality is not so hot but it's a good start)
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